
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Heroes By Robert Cormier

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In “Heroes” by Robert Cormier, Francis, the main character, is out on a mission to kill his enemy, Larry LaSalle. “Heroes” uses flashbacks consistently to develop the plot and keep the reader’s attention. If it were not in the story, the story would be bland and boring overall. Foreshadowing plays a huge role in the story and creates suspense throughout the book. For example, in the beginning of the book, Francis states, “Then I am filled up with guilt and shame, knowing that I have just prayed for the man I am going to kill.” (Page 8). Also, Francis also hints to a future event that he will take part in later on in the story; “Larry LaSalle has returned to Frenchtown. And I know where to find him.” (Page 107). Both of these quotes give good …show more content…

For example, when something happens in the wreck center, Francis is in the shadows, listening to it all; “But I knew what they were doing- the thought streaked through my mind so fast that it could hardly be acknowledged. (Page 96). This grabs the reader’s attention because it makes them wonder what is going to happen next. It makes the readers wonder what is in store for the rest of the story. Adding a little foreshadowing at the end of a chapter always tends to excite readers. Cormier does this on page 68, when Francis says, “But tomorrow was December 7, 1941.” Since it is at the end of a chapter, giving the date of a future event makes it seem like a very important event will unfold. However, it does not hint at whether it is a good or bad event, so it is very intriguing. Furthermore, the foreshadowing gives away some events, but not what the outcome will be. For example, Francis states, “A moment later, I leave Sister Mathilde and the convent behind, Nicole Renard’s address in my pocket.” (Page 123). This shows that he is definitely going to see Nicole, but what is he going to do or say? This type of foreshadowing makes readers want to read more, and find out the outcome of every

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