
Examples Of Growth Mindset

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Growth Mindset
In 2006, Carol Dweck published her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. In her book, Dweck (2016) introduced the terms fixed and growth mindset and renewed an educational mindset. A growth mindset is a thought process that can be learned and essentially means that individuals never stop learning and growing. Furthermore, individuals are in charge of their learning. Although this mindset is not limited to the education field, it is highly regarded in education, as this is a field where growth is the key element to learning.
Historical Background Over the course of history, psychologists have introduced theories that are closely linked to the theory behind growth mindset. In 1953, B.F. Skinner, a behaviorist, introduced …show more content…

However, this requires more than just positive feedback and praise. While growth mindset gains followers, it is imperative to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the trend. A growth mindset can encourage individuals to persevere, take on challenges, and become more motivated in the learning process (Briceño, 2015). Furthermore, cultivating a growth mindset is not limited to youth. In the education field, teachers, staff, and administrators are encouraged to see themselves as learners and foster a community that is open to mistakes as a form of learning to promote a growth mindset across all stakeholders in the school community (Heggart, 2015). Unfortunately, there are misconceptions in the area of growth mindset and some educators do not fully understand how to foster this mindset (Briceño, 2015). When those new to the framework of growth mindset begin to praise children solely on their hard work, rather than guiding them on a new path or strategy, it often fosters a fixed mindset. It is imperative to understand the technique for fostering a growth mindset in order to avoid oversimplifying praise and mistakes (Briceño,

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