
Examples Of Holden In The Average Teenager

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How Holden Relates to The Average Teenager From Today
Holden Caulfield is like many modern teenagers. Holden is a teenage boy from the 1950’s, which is obviously a lot more different than teenager from today's age. He does not like to admit it, but even though he acts very smart and sophisticated on the inside, he is really just a sixteen year old boy who gets confused about a lot of different teenage things. Holden does not understand the idea and concept of intimacy. During Holden’s last days at Pencey him and his roommate Stradlater get in a big argument about him going on a date with Jane. Holden assumes that Stradlater and Jane are going to have sex. “If you want to know the truth, I'm a virgin. I really am. I've had quite a few opportunities to lose my virginity and all, but I've never got around to it yet.” (p. 92). Holden wants desperately to be like other boys at Pencey but the time has still not come for him to have loose it. In this quote Holden explains he has not lost his virginity which shows how inexperienced and how confused he is. Jane is Holden’s long lived crush, so when Holden finds out the two are going on a date he becomes very jealous. Stradlater even admitted the two were not going to do anything but Holden did not believe him. Another example of Holden's inability to understand intimacy is when he kept asking Carl Luce, a former student at Pencey, about sex. This annoys Carl immensely, yet Holden keeps asking. Holden like many teenage boys gets

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