
Examples Of Human Influences In Frankenstein

Decent Essays

On Humanity and its Influences Have you ever considered all of the influences that just might mold us into either better or worse people? All of humanity is innately driven by the forces and influences from the world around them, whether they be supernatural or human. Mary Shelly and William Shakespeare, authors of Frankenstein and Macbeth, respectively, thoroughly articulate both the positive and negative effects of supernatural and human influences. Shelley speaks more to the human influence, whereas Shakespeare discusses the supernatural influence more effectively. Mary Shelley gives sufficient discourse on the positive and negative human influence on the character and personality of Frankenstein’s creature. One good example of this is William Frankenstein’s initial, ignorant reaction to the creature, especially when he considers the creature as a “monster! Ugly wretch! You wish to eat me, to tear me to pieces…,” (Shelley 141). This extrapolates the marred personality of the creature, considering he only wanted to “…educate him as a companion and a friend, I should not be se desolate…,” (Shelley 141). This is a prime example of the negative human influence on any being, due to the shocked and disgusted attitude of …show more content…

Frankenstein pushes the creature away in horror, saying “Devil…do you dare approach me? Begone, vile insect! Or rather, stay, that I may trample you to dust!” (Shelley 97). The creature is just learning how to adapt to humanity, and his own creator is abandoning him due to the creature’s own wretchedness. The creature responds by echoing this consideration, speaking of how “All men hate the wretched; how, then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things!” (Shelley 97). The creature has experienced the wrath of humanity, thus he considers himself to be wretched and

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