
Examples Of Isolation In Catcher In The Rye

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Defensive Isolation Everyone has a different way of coping with things. Some people turn to drugs, some people pick up hobbies, but some people do things differently. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist, Holden, copes with the problems of his life by isolating himself. Holden has been expelled from his third private school due to his poor grades, and escapes to New York City for three days. During this time, Holden attempts to and reflects on the many different intimate relationships that reveal details about Holden’s sexuality and his intimacy problems, specifically with Sunny, Sally, and Jane. First, Holden interacts with Sunny, an escort, where Holden has difficulty with his sexuality and intimacy when presented with the opportunity to have sex with her. After a few drinks at Ernie’s bar, he decides the city was too lonely for his …show more content…

Holden really is in love with Jane, but has emotional issues that prevent him from showing Jane he wants to be with her. The two have been together through thick and thin, and Holden has seen some of Jane’s darkest times. For example, when Jane’s drunken step-dad makes her feel uncomfortable, Holden is right there comforting and “kissing her all over- any-where-her eyes, her nose, her forehead and all, her ears- her whole face except her mouth and all” (Salinger 102). Holden and Jane had previously been intimate, but once Holden is in the city he could not find the strength to talk to her. He “gave old Jane a buzz again, but her phone didn’t answer so I had to hang up”(Salinger 176). Holden was too scared to speak to Jane’s family or parents and was too scared to make a true effort to see her. Holden ultimately finds himself alone again that night, with no Jane to keep him company. His isolating behavior was used once again to prevent the true intimacy that Holden

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