
Examples Of Materialism In The Great Gatsby

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In a materialistic society, one measures the worthiness of its members according to their wealth. For many Americans across many generations, material possessions have determined social status and overall value to society. This rating system has been the subject of blistering critique from early on in human society when money was deemed “the root of all evil”, to the 1920’s when F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a criticism of materialism in his book The Great Gatsby. Americans today still try to acquire the lavish trappings of the wealthy. Although equating money to happiness is no longer socially acceptable by most people, the want for more materials and tendencies to depend on alcohol in times of trouble that Fitzgerald critiqued is still valid today. Fitzgerald's portrayal of the affluent characters in The Great Gatsby is not flattering, instead the characters are described as obsessed with alcohol and material possessions. In the twenties, the availability of good quality alcohol was as much a status symbol as fine clothing, houses or cars. As it is today, drinking was socially acceptable in …show more content…

Not only did Gatsby make his fortune illegally, but the reason he desired to become rich was to impress a girl on a superficial level. Gatsby was able to get every thing out of life that he wanted, expect his ideal relationship with Daisy. In 2017 there are a multitude of dating websites that are used to match attractive and sought after girls, similar to Daisy, to rich men like Gatsby. Fitzgerald’s claim that people in the 1920s were too focused on making money to have moral values and genuine relationships can still be taught today. Many people, women especially, desire to fall in love with a lifestyle a man is able to provide her, instead of having a genuine relationship. Without his wealth, Gatsby would not be “great”, similar to many wealthy American who without their wealth do not have much

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