
Examples Of Materialism In The Great Gatsby

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When I was in grade school, I had a big crush on a girl. Her name was Jill Reynolds, and she was dating a boy named Adam Green. He was born into a very wealthy family and everything was given to him on a silver platter. The day I met Adam he was wearing extravagant clothes, the common person could not afford to buy. He was tall, slender and his black, wavy hair was brushed to the side. I was jealous of Adam because he was wealthy, handsome and courting the girl of my dreams. I’ve dreamt of being with Jill ever since I’ve known her. Like me, Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby follows his dream of capturing Daisy’s heart, even if he knows he might not secure her in the end, this forms the primary theme of the novel. By weaving together the motifs of materialism and lies/illusion throughout the plot, F. Scott Fitzgerald expresses an important theme. …show more content…

Nick drives over from West Egg to East Egg to visit his second cousin Daisy and her husband Tom, whom he went to college with at Yale. While Nick is there Tom’s mistress, Myrtle calls and “couldn’t be helped cried Daisy with tense gayety.” When returns from his visit he notices Gatsby’s mansion “a colossal affair...with a tower on one side..., a marble swimming pool and more than forty acres of lawn and garden.” Nick instantly wants to meet this Gatsby fellow everyone speaks of. Without even meeting Jay Gatsby, Nick is astonished by the parties he throws and the enormous size of his

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