
Examples Of Mob Mentality In The Crucible

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Mob mentality, a crucible for Australian Labor party. The themes of Mob mentality and hypocrisy that is seen in Arthur Millers, The Crucible juxtaposes the Australian Labor party’s stance on homosexual marriage. Exemplifying the relevance of classical literature in today’s society. Monique Brown writes For years we have been conditioned to think, feel and act a certain way based upon what society deems ‘correct or right’. If we disagree with this way of life or thinking we are often shunned and discriminated against for differentiating from societal norms. Rebecca Saxe, an associate professor of cognitive neuroscience at MIT commented on the psychological trigger of mob mentality saying, "A group of people will often engage …show more content…

Throughout The Crucible, many if not all Salem citizens were influenced by this idea of mob mentality. Abigail and her band of banshees lead the hysteria that swept Salem in 1692, and held all of the power over the citizens of Salem, naming any whom actively opposed them as witches. No one in the town was safe from the delusive cries of the girls, not even one of their own. In act 3 of the play, Marry Warren bravely spoke out against the credibility of the girls’ lies. Claiming, “it were pretense” (p. 94) and admitting that she saw no spirits; saying, “I thought I saw spirits but I did not”(p. 95). However, as you can imagine these statements did not sit well with Abigail and the other girls, who quickly dismissed the claims. The girls were back to their old tricks, accusing Mary of “sending her shadow upon them”(miller, 1953, p. 96) It is at this point in the play that the theme of mob mentality is most prominent. The girls held all the power in this situation and their accusations against Mary (if denied) would result in her …show more content…

104). It is clear that Mary was ultimately affected by the mob mentality that was present as she admitted to proctor “I’ll not hang with you! I love God, I love God” (P. 104) Mary’s capricious tendencies are not too different to those of the Australian labor party, who have recently come under scrutiny for their hypocritical position on same sex marriage. Much like the townspeople in Salem, 1692 the labor party has been greatly influenced by mob mentality. Back when labor were in charge of Australia they voted outright against same sex marriage with the deputy leader Tanya Plibersek saying in 2007 “Labor does not support changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex marriage”. Back in this time many Australians weren’t aware of the fight for same sex marriage and many strongly disagreed. However, now that America has passed the legislation in support of gay marriage, Australians now see this as a more achievable

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