
Examples Of Oppression In The Handmaids Tale

Decent Essays

Kelley martin
Senior English
Ms. Nelson
9 April 2018
Oppression in the Handmaid's Tale
Many people don’t realize how much control the government has in society. They create rules and laws for people in high hopes that everyone will be the same. The Government in America's society is more laid back and not as strict as in the Handmaid's Tale. Because the Government has so much power to brainwash and oppress the society to forget their past lives, the handmaids are forced to be used as a fertility label which keeps them from gaining any authentic power over how they choose to live their lives.
As a handmaid, it is their duty to have sex with the commander and eventually have a baby for that family. When the baby is born, handmaids have to …show more content…

Offred explains “nor does rape cover it: nothing is going on here that I haven't signed up for. There wasn't a lot of choice but there was some, and this is what I chose.”(Atwood 94). Offred notes how she was given the choice to become a handmaid which is basically choosing to survive. Becoming a handmaid is just an excuse to participate in the ceremony and she does not think the ritual should be considered rape as she agreed to have a baby with the commander. No one should be forced to do anything they don’t wish for and should be given the right of freedom. In addition, some women in the book don’t even get a choice to be a handmaid such as Moira because she is gay and prefers women. Offred states in a conversation with Moira “I said she didn’t have that problem herself anymore, since she’d decided to prefer women, and as far as I …show more content…

These people are wrong because Handmaids are not valued as individuals but more for their ovaries. People say that the handmaids are considered sacred but only their ovaries are sacred! The handmaids are basically used for babies and not respected as people. They are only shown as a fertility label! Offred explains “we are two-legged wombs, that’s all: sacred vessels, ambulatory chalices”(Atwood 136). Not only are they used to have babies for the commander and wife, but the handmaid's start to disperse from their own bodies. They cannot love, speak, or create a life on their own without the thousands of rules created by the Government. The handmaids are no longer seen as a person but only for wombs. Offred begins to accept this part of her that is only accepted as a reproductive organ. This is beyond wrong. No one should be forced to have children for someone else. It’s not even a choice to keep the child, proving there is absolutely no freedom within the handmaids. They are required to accept the life they are given despite how the past life was. Also, if handmaid's go against the law and sleep with someone else, they feel like it's their fault or they made a mistake. It should be a freedom to sleep with whoever anyone wants. Janine felt the need to blame herself for the babies death because she slept with the doctor instead of

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