
Examples Of Perspective In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Keannah Schneider
Perspective is how one sees the world. A person’s perspective can affect a person's personal beliefs. In the novel To Kill A MockingBird by Harper Lee, Lee shows a person’s perspective can affect a personal beliefs by showing readers how Atticus feels about blacks and how he defends Tom Robinson in the courts. Another way Harper Lee shows perspective is when Scout feels she can not go to school if she continues to read with Atticus, but Scout does not consider things from other people's perspectives. Also, Scout thinks Boo Radley is the meanest, scariest person in the world, but then soon finds out something otherwise.

Most people in Maycomb feel blacks are lower in the social system, however that is not how everyone feels. Atticus’ perspective about blacks is different from others. Harper Lee wants readers to feel like Atticus’ opinion is everyone should be equal. Lee showed readers by saying that Atticus’ opinion about blacks …show more content…

He went by the name Boo Radley. Jem and Scout were terrified of Boo but Jem still decided messed with him. People described Boo as being “ about six and a half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that’s why his hands were bloodstained, there was a jagged scar that ran across his face and he drooled most of the time.” (Lee, pg 16) Harper Lee made Boo sound like the most terrifying person ever, but as readers get further in the book, readers and Scout realize he is not as terrifying as people make him sound. Scout realizes that Boo has a heart and he is not terrifying when he saves Jem. Throughout the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Lee shows readers that everyone has a different perspective and how a person’s perspective can change their personal beliefs. Lee wants readers to realize that everyone has a different perspective, and you should never judge a book by its

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