
Examples Of Plagiarism In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Could you please run this through your plagiarism checker, this isn’t her writing- I just can’t source it. The Crucible, based were religion was an important aspect of everyday life in their society. In the story The Crucible fear was uprising considering all the accusations of witchcraft. Not to mention the conflict between the salem family residence and anger towards each other. The pressure and consequences of puritan lifestyle is shown in “their creed forbade anything resembling a theater , vain enjoyment, They did not celebrate christmas, or holidays from work meant only that they must concentrate even more upon prayer”. This quote shows how the puritans society suppresses individuality. To the extent that most human desires were evil , even salem foulk believed that the virgin forest was the devils last preserve. What makes this puritan lifestyle such a burden was the predilection . ”Minding others people's business was time honored among the people of salom”. This created the suspicions that would lead to the trials . The involvement of the Putnam residence in the salem witch trials developed allegations of more fear in the Salem citizens, sense so many people had so much to hide or gain. An example of this is shown in Act 1 “ The land war he” ,Putnam, “ fought with his neighbors grew”. Thomas Putnam prevented Bayley from taking office causing more and more animosity. Later on in the story Putnam Tells his neighbor “ You load one

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