
Examples Of Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

Reflection Essay

At the end of August as I started my first semester in English 99 I was a different person who had a fixed mindset and thought I would never be able to correctly structure or organize an essay. Looking back, at my progress, I definitely know I am more than ready for English 100.
I have incorporated many of the strategies I recently learned throughout the course of the semester to improve both my in-class and out-of class essay. To start off with I enhanced my introduction on both essays expanding the main idea in my thesis and thoroughly answering the prompt question. I also, changed a few of my word choices, because most of them did not specify or convey my thoughts clearly. Now, for my evidence as I referred back to previous reading selections I correctly formated my quotes placing quotation marks and commas in the right place as well as paraphrasing key concepts into 25 words or less in only one sentence to explain a chosen quote. Many rearrangements were made in my body paragraphs where I would start my ideas but not finish my analysis. Adding examples either from experience or any related ideas, made both my essays so much better and more coherent. Lastly, I appended much more information to wrap up my conclusions, since they were not straightforward or neither restate my thesis statement.
For my reading and writing processes I have learned ample techniques to become better and more successful in each and every unit, especially the very last one, The Dark Side of Happiness, by June Gruber, because of its intricate and complex key points it was a challenging reading. Coming from High School where teachers do not exemplify any techniques caused me to be uncomfortable with rigorous and demanding readings like this (The Dark Side of Happiness.) I can now say my understanding of how important it is to read and write grew profoundly. I have never really considered myself a great reader, since I do not enjoy reading, but knowing how to dissect, go under the surface, and more in depth in each reading influenced my perception. I was then introduced to brainstorming as well, a method used most often to express your thoughts and ideas without them being right. In addition, knowing how to

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