
Examples Of Resilience In First They Killed My Father

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Resilience is defined as the ability to bounce back when faced with a trying situation. In the memoir First They Killed My Father by Loung Ung, Loung narrates to us the story of her childhood under the violent reign of the Khmer Rouge. Throughout the memoir, there are many circumstances in which Lound demonstrates incredible resilience through her unwavering determination and persistence. These traits are also evident in my best friend and fellow teammate, Kerry. Every night at swim practice, without fail, Kerry demonstrates remarkable resilience, pushing herself to the limit to complete every set. Even though the challenges of war and swim practice are as different as night is from day, both young women demonstrate awe inspiring resilience …show more content…

April 17th, 1975; the day that Loung Ung’s life changed forever. The Khmer Rouge marched through the city of Phnom Penh, ordering the evacuation of all those they believed to be “corrupted”. Loung and her family fled when she was only five years old, and thus their new life of terror, starvation, and hard labor began. It would have been easy for her to give in to the fear and despair, yet even as a young girl she showed great resilience. While planting rice in the fields of a child labor camp, Loung feels leeches crawling between her toes. This, combined with the brutal heat of the sun, made the work unbearable. Loung, however, powers through and shows her resilience: “In the water, the warm mud oozes between my toes… ‘Get used to it!’ I mutter to myself. Gritting my teeth with …show more content…

Just like Loung, Kerry’s determination helps her to carry on when the going gets tough. When asked where she finds the motivation for this determination, she said, “ The desire to do well in meets and improves is a big factor. And I don’t like giving up anyway!” Kerry’s determination to swim the best time possible allows her to be resilient during daily practices. Kerry’s resilience, much like Loung’s, comes from her persistence to never give in. While Loung never gave in to the empty promises of the Khmer Rouge, Kerry never give in to the sore muscles and aching lungs of a difficult workout. Talking about this persistence, Kerry said, “I know that the pain will pay off in the end, the harder I work.” Kerry never gives in or takes the easy way out, because she knows in the end it will only aid her in achieving her goal. Similarly, Loung never lets herself give into the Angkor's words and

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