
Examples Of Romanticism In The Great Gatsby

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Realism VS. Romanticism: The Great Gatsby In the timeless story, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, readers are constantly on the edge of their seats as the drama throughout the tale unravels. In this melodramatic, tasteless, glamorous, sentimental, enduring book the love of Gatsby and Daisy grabs the heart of the readers—keeping them wanting more. Other than the two lovebirds The Great Gatsby is a widely known for the controversy over whether the book has a romantic or realistic theme and the idea of the American Dream which is portrayed in the story.
The Great Gatsby is an intriguing story which is based on Gatsby’s undying love for the Gorgeous Daisy Buchanan. The two had a falling out but they were reconnected when Nick Carraway moved next door to the rich Jay Gatsby. Gatsby would throw parties every Friday night in hopes that Daisy would eventually come and their love would be reconnected. After going to one of the parties it becomes apparent to him that Gatsby is in love with Daisy, whom happened to be Nicks cousin. So, Nick decided to set up a meeting between the two, even though Daisy with a man, to try and rekindle their relationship. The story comes to a closing when Daisy accidentally hits and kills a woman. However, Gatsby didn’t want Daisy to be at fault so he allowed his love to persuade him to take the blame. Gatsby then is …show more content…

The literary movement spread to almost every country in the United States, Europe, and Latin America and it was, “…associated with the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries” (Paddock). Romanticism essentially focuses on branching out from the norm and rebelling from what is “right.” Not to mention, it stressing the individual as opposed to society. Commiserating inner struggles, strong passions, ideas, moods, and

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