
Examples Of Self Realization In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Self realization is a prominent theme in Their Eyes Were Watching God. This story is centered around Janie’s life journey towards independence. In the beginning of the book, Janie begins telling her story to Phoebe about her vision under the pear tree. As a sixteen year old, she discovers the idea of true love: a commitment of true trust, equality, and devotion. This vision is an early sign that Janie desires self sufficiency. This love doesn’t require her whole dependence upon another person, it’s a relationship that would entreat Janie as an equal to her husband, although society believes that men are superior. Janie is first married off to Logan Killicks, who treats her like a child. He expects her to listen and obey to his desires without hesitation or complaint. This is desecrating to Janie’s dream. Instead of pushing her along the path of self reliance, Logan …show more content…

Joe marries her so he can have a pretty wife by his side who he can demonstrate his superiority over. As the single most powerful man in Eatonville, the town that he took initiative of, he expects his wife to present herself as above everyone else. This means she can’t participate in regular talk with the people of the town, and she has to obey Joe’s commands because she is his property. However, towards the end of Joe’s life, Janie publicly rants her true feelings to Joe. This decision shows her growth towards self realization. She defends herself against Joe’s insults of her being old. Janie finally acts out, expressing her feelings towards Joe’s unfair treatment to her. Her strength in acting for herself begins to emerge once she forces Joe to listen to her feelings of their marriage. This is evident when she tears off her handkerchief and lets down her hair. This is symbolic of her freedom. Joe forced her to tie up her hair for his sake, but now releasing it, Janie shows that she will no longer let other people control

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