
Examples Of Sexism In Disney Movies

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As a child I had often enjoyed playing pretend, emulating my favorite characters from television and film. In particular, I had often imagined myself as the heroes from popular Disney films and often looked to them as role models and inspiration. Disney movies played a large role in mine and millions of others children’s development, imbedding there themes and lessons into our personalities and conscious. The problem however, laid in the fact that the majority of these classic Disney films themes and lessons are from an era that promoted sexism and negative gender roles. Disney’s misrepresentation of the role of males and females portrayed in their popular films coupled with the rapid increase of digital media and merchandise sales has distorted …show more content…

If the company’s largest seven films are observed, namely the classic Disney princess films, the gender stereotypes become quite apparent. A study done on sex roles of Disney princesses by Dawn Elizabeth England had examined reoccurring similarities in all of the Disney princesses. The first being the physical: these namely address the unrealistic proportions, such as the thin waists, delicate limbs, full breasts and fair skin tones. (Dawn Elizabeth England) These unattainable characteristics may lead young girls into being unsatisfied with their looks and may lead to self-esteem issues. In her book, The Sexualization of Childhood, Sharna Olfman explains the various images Disney princesses convey to children. She argues, “The female ideal is a rich white girl who lives in a big house with servants who do the work” (Olfman 40). This may give young girls the idea that the only way to get noticed or to get attention from the opposite sex is to have effortless beauty and to capture the males heart with looks alone. Young girls are thought that looks should be one of the primary methods through which a woman’s attitude and personality should be rated. This gives a shallow perception of what it takes to actually obtain a spouse. This teaches girls to be superficial and not to depend on their own personalities and mental capabilities in order to be

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