
Examples Of Sexual Objectification Of Women

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Sexual objectification refers to perceiving and viewing an individual as an object existing only for their sexual gratification (Malik). Both men and women have been objectified in different ways, but women’s objectification sexually has shown to be more rampant (Davies). Sexual objectification of women occurs when their body or body parts are distinguished and separated from her as a person and she is perceived fundamentally as a physical object to fulfill the sexual desire of males (Szymanski, et al.). As the American Psychological Association (APA) outlines, sexual objectification also arises when the value of a person only comes from their sexual behavior or appeal while other features are excluded. In such cases, the woman is not seen as an individual with the capability of independent decision making and action. In the American culture, sexual objectification of women is rampant especially in media where women are portrayed as decorative bodies to be seen. This normative culture portrays women in a manner that emphasizes their body parts, bodies, and appearance. Women have been defined as objects …show more content…

Through most avenues including music videos, movies, television programs, and advertisements it is normal for women to be portrayed in a manner that emphasizes their body parts, bodies, sexual readiness, and facial features. More precisely, they are exclusively portrayed as decorative objects that only pose and sexually dance without playing any instruments. Sexual objectification of women has been in this culture for centuries and it is generally accepted and condoned. The government can intervene by establishing and implementing programs to educate both women and men on sexuality and critically analyzing media. Further, women can be empowered and taught to become activists and resist sexual objectification in the

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