
Examples Of Solitude In Frankenstein

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The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley tells a bizarre and awful tale of an absurd human creating life and the consequences of his experiment. In this novel, there is an abundance of predictable themes; such as sacrifice, forgiveness, revenge and secrecy. There is one theme I see that stands out the most, solitude. Throughout this novel, we see Mary Shelley using Victor Frankenstein, the monster, and Robert Walton to introduce and emphasize a theme of solitude and the effect it has on a person. Mary Shelley’s theme of solitude plays a substantial part in Frankenstein and human nature.
The novel begins with the four letters written by Walton to his sister. This is the appearance of the theme. It brings out the question whether Walton has anyone else to write to. As the letters progress, we soon find out Walton has no friend, but just wants one. He longs for a friend so he can tell him or her about his ambitions and dreams. Traveling to the North Pole is an incredibly life-threatening trip. If Walton had a friend like Frankenstein, maybe he would not have ventured into the …show more content…

Solitude, as previously seen, will cause chaos on a person’s life. Victors soon learns that he has made a mistake by creating the monster, and wants others to learn from him, “Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.”(Victor Frankenstein). The theme of solitude makes us reflect on the actions we have as human beings. Do we as humans persuade solitude on others around us? Perhaps Shelley, expressing through Frankenstein, is using this theme to alert us at our own acts of evil towards others. Whatever the reason may be, Frankenstein persuades solitude causing evil amongst others, and we all see the need we acquire for

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