
Examples Of White Privilege In Dalton Conley's Honky

Decent Essays

The book Honky is a memoir of a privileged white boy, Dalton Conley, who grows up in the projects on the lower east side of New York, where the majority residents are African American and Latinos. It’s a detailed memoir of the child’s point of view in his eyes of the environment that surrounds him: school, parks, buses, etc. Conley’s has two working parents, mother is a writer and father is a struggling artist who at one point was living on food stamps while raising the family in the projects. However, even while growing up in the projects, the mother stereotype and tries to “protect” her son from the “bad” things that happen within the projects.
The two main themes that are seen throughout the memoir are race (white privilege) and class, …show more content…

He doesn’t realize he, being a Hewish white kid, that he is the minority in the neighborhood but still receives privileges because he is white. He also experiences minority, for example when he is overly excited about his new baby sibling coming into the world that he kidnaps an African American baby without realizing the race. Once the baby is returned the mother gives a nasty look to Dalton’s mother, probably due to the fact that they were white and knew they were privileged. There are many examples of white privilege through-out the memoir. One example is on July 4th, Dalton who is three at the time is in the hospital for being very ill. The staff on duty was inexperienced doctors and no one was working in the lab. However, Dalton was getting worse and his condition wasn’t getting better nor did the doctors seem to care. Dalton’s mother is a lab technician who ran through the halls and rushed into the lab to perform the test herself. Once she performed it and got the results, she rushed it to the doctors and saved Dalton. Had she been of a different race, doctors and security would have stopped her from running through the halls and entering the lab, which could have been a different outcome. However, she wasn’t questioned once. Another example of whit privilege seen in the memoir is when Dalton’s mother has to pick from three classes, African American class, Latino class, or a Chinese class. For

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