
Exercise And Cold Water Immersion

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The participation of Cold Water Immersion after a taxing training session or competition seems to be ritualistic in athletics. Cold water immersion, cold whirlpool therapy, and ice baths are all forms of cryotherapy; which is defined as “the application of a device or substance with a temperature less than body temperature, thus causing heat to pass from the body to the cryotherapy device.” (Knight and Draper, 2013, p. 229). Cold Water Immersion (CWI) is a form of recovery cryotherapy that involves submersing an individual’s affected limb or extremities into water that is less than that of body temperature.
Exercise and Cold Water Immersion Theory Many processes happen within the human body in regards to exercise and pain. One major complaint within athletics is muscle soreness caused by exercise. Muscle soreness can affect performance negatively during activity. Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a sub-type of soreness that intensifies after twenty-four to forty-eight hours post exercise. It is thought to be caused by small tears in the muscle tissues, inflammation, or it could be due to the disruption of connective tissue of the muscle tissue, stiffness (Prentice, 2009, p. 273). CWI is thought to decrease the effects of DOMS and promote an active recovery by decreasing inflammation and metabolism, which can slow down the physiological responses of injury. (Knight and Draper, 2013, p. 214)
When to CWI and Perceived Recovery Cold water immersion is primarily

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