
Existence Of God Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To persuade my audience to believe the probable existence of God.
ATTENTION GETTER: A new Harris Poll finds that a strong majority (74%) of Americans believe in God.
RELEVANCE: I believe God’s existence is relevant to all demographics of people, because “God” applies to all beliefs, races, cultures, etc.
CREDIBILITY: Along with my extensive research on this, I am also a confirmed Roman Catholic, which may make me a bit biased but nonetheless I have been had plenty of resources throughout my 18 years to determine whether or not there is a God.
CENTRAL IDEA: God’s existence can be determined by 3 different arguments, including the Cosmological argument, the Teleological argument, and the Moral Law argument.
TRANSITION: However, …show more content…

This argument is basically a cause and effect argument. It goes like this: the world could not have just existed by itself so there must have been something that brought the world into existence. The first cause is God.
In other words, the universe did not just magically appear from nothing because God created it.
TRANSITION: My next argument is called the Teleological argument.
MAINPOINT2: Otherwise known as the “design” argument.
The basic idea of this argument is that there is too much intricate detail in the universe for it to not have a creator.
According to the City University of New York, William Paley, a theist, had a famous argument called the “watch” argument. It goes by this: a watch has many complex parts in order to keep time, too complex to be made randomly, thus it must have a creator. This is like the universe.
TRANSITION: My third and final argument is called the Moral Law argument.
MAINPOINT3: The Moral Law argument differs from the other two arguments because it has nothing to do with the natural world.
The Moral Law basically says that all humans have morals because there is a

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