
Essay on Exonerating Wrongly Convicted People

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Criminal Law declares what conduct is illegal and proscribes a penalty. Although, we rely on our court system to administer justice, sometimes the innocent are convicted (Risinger). Most people would not be able to imagine a person who is convicted of a crime as innocent, sometimes that is the case. Imagine what a variance that is: an innocent criminal. In an article by Radley Balko he asks the question, “How many more are innocent?” In his article, he questions America’s 250th DNA exoneration and states that it raises questions about how often we send the wrong person to prison. The other issue that follows is the means of appealing the court’s decision and who they can turn to for help.
In the textbook Criminal Courts 2nd edition, it …show more content…

(Courts and Procedures: Civil Procedure) Being able to file an appeal is extremely crucial for those inmates who are wrongfully convicted. The appeals process gives them the opportunity to be exonerated if their innocence is proven to be the case. Even though the right to appeal is the inmates right, some people are not familiar with the steps needed to come out with a verdict they will be content with. In this instance the Innocence Project would be the inmate’s number one recourse.
The Innocence Project has a worldwide website that describes their history and purpose. The website describes the Innocence Project as “a national litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice” (Innocence Project). In an article by Benjamin Fleury-Steiner it states that the Innocence Project is a nonprofit legal clinic that originally conferred only on cases where post conviction DNA testing of evidence could demonstrate an individual’s innocence. The Innocence Project was started by Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld in 1992 at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, where students worked on cases involving a defendant’s innocence under supervision of a team of attorneys and clinic staff. Focusing invariably on indigent defendants, the Innocence Project typically enters a case as a last resort, after an

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