
Expectation In Emerson's Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Decent Essays

Ralph Waldo Emerson argues in the essay Self-Reliance how not being independent could potentially take a person to hate his/her inner self, which is truly seen in today’s world which makes Emerson’s claim practical because imitation turns individuals to be someone else.
Many people around the world envy, but some take it to another level. According to Psychology Today, it states that being envied is dangerous do to those who are victims of jealousy. They state that, “People who are the recipients of envy can feel uncomfortable and hurt.” What this statement points out is that people desire to be someone else which leads to an ambition on knowing everything of that individual. The victims of these jealousies catch scareness and awareness because of the stalkers that follow them everywhere at every moment. Many members of society are focused on others than in themselves. Researchers have shown that individuals focus on what they hate about the person than on what should be appreciated. A few take envy as an evil stitution which only points out the negative side and not the positive side of the person, which leads to other citizens doing harm. For example, nowadays they are hundreds of ways that a civilian's information could spread, such as fake advertisements or social media, which gives unknown creatures the information at their disposal. In an article from Futurity, it explains how some people enjoy seeing “Someone they envy experiences misfortune or pain,” which give them the satisfaction of seeing them fall. Most of the time individuals are stalked or are followed by predators. Some of these predators are “Schadenfreude” and do not care what happens to the person they envy because they can only be one or be in the same level as the jealous person. For instance, studies sought “to better understand who is among these envied groups and whether that envy and jealousy elicits a harmful response,” which is an action to prevent anymore harm to anyone else. A essay written in University of Innsbruck in Austria called Envy or Emulation: A Christian Understanding of Economic Passions states how “Envy has become an important topic of recent intellectual debates.” In this current time, envy in seen in places such as

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