
Body System In Relation To Energy Metabolism

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Explain The Physiology Of Two Named Body Systems In Relation To Energy Metabolism In The Body
I am going to explain the physiology of the respiratory and cardiovascular system in relation to the energy metabolism in the body.
Energy metabolism is where the nutrients oxygen and glucose are took in and delivered the organs. Energy is needed in order for our body to be able to function. Energy helps break down molecules and to build new molecules.
The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood and blood vessels. The cardiovascular system is the major transport of materials to and from the cells. Blood is carried from the heart around the body via the arteries and the blood is then carried back to the heart via the veins. The …show more content…

Your body requires energy in order to be able to perform tasks. Energy comes in many different forms. They are chemical, light, sound, heat and mechanical. You can get energy from different food substances i.e. glucose, fatty acids, sugars and amino acids. To be able to get the energy from these food substances energy needs to be released with oxygen. This is known as aerobic respiration. The role that energy plays in our body is the process of moving molecules in and out of our cells while breaking down the larger molecules and building new molecules. The cardiovascular system transports oxygenated blood around the body and to the cells. It will then collect the deoxygenated blood which is ready for the excretion from the cells. The cardiovascular system will deliver the nutrients oxygen and glucose via the blood stream. Oxygen is need for aerobic respiration to occur. The cardiovascular system will pump oxygen and nutrients carrying blood throughout the body. The glucose molecules that are carried by the blood are transported into the cells. Along with the oxygen that is diffused into the cells they are used in respiration to produce ATP. The respiratory system is responsible for bringing in oxygen as well as using it to burn the nutrients that we need for energy. The respiratory system contains alveoli which allow the diffusion of oxygen into the blood stream

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