
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Rhetorical Structure

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Jessica Baggetta English 112 Inquiry 1 Sept. 14, 2014 In the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close the author Jonathan Foer uses tons and tons of patterns that have meaning on the surface and meaning buried deep into the text. Throughout the book Foer does a great job of drawing out emotion from the reader and literally putting the reader in Oskar’s shoes through the use of images, Oskar’s letters to scientists and celebrities, the changing of narrators and the way that Foer used sentence structure to his benefit. The repetitive use of these tools throughout the book only strengthen the meaning and symbolism brought out by them. The reoccurring image of the man jumping from the building was the most interesting and emotional drawing pattern in the book for me personally. The pictures of the man falling one pages 59, …show more content…

One of which is the point of showing multiple peoples true personality and points of views. The letters are nice because we get information directly from Oskar’s grandparents. This is important because if we only hear what Oskar told us, we wouldn’t know how much we could trust him. As a reader we can’t necessarily believe everything Oskar says because he is 8 years old which means he could either be untrustworthy and/or naive. We still must recognize that we can’t necessarily trust the grandparents either. It also helps us relate to and understand other characters on a personal level. Another pattern that I noticed throughout the chapter that consisted of Oskar’s grandfather’s letter, is his grandfather’s use of very long drawn out sentences. Foer purposely uses long sentences with multiple comma splices to add effect. This effect is hard to put into words but it reminds me a lot of how Oskar speaks as well. It gives you the feel that Oskar’s grandfather was very anxious. An example of this in the text is on pages 108 and 109 when Oskar’s grandfather

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