
Fab 5 Thesis Statement

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Fab 5
Basketball has always been a favorite sport of Americans. Originally basketball players would wear mini shorts and short socks. When the Fab Five were recruited to the Michigan college team they changed the look of the sport forever. They brought in their own looks, styles and methods to playing. (not a clear thesis statement/not a direct debatable statement) In 1989, on the eve of the final championship game, Steve Fisher became the head coach for Michigan State. He and the team went on to win the championship. Even though they won Steve didn’t really get the credit for the game since he had just been hired the night before. With the next season fast approaching fans and critics were anxious to see if the new coach had good recruiting skills. His first pursuit was Juwan Howard from Chicago, Illinois. He attended Chicago …show more content…

people as so said they were too young. They showed the world that its not about your age but its about your skill. Fab five became famous almost instantly. They became so famous that they had to have security at their locker room door.
Jalen was was a heavy smack talker. Jalen did not smack talk because he was mad he talk because he was trying to get into people’s heads and distract them from the game. People in the today’s time have taken smack talk the wrong way they, use it because they are angry and not thinking. jalens action were not well accepted by the fans. He later received many hate letters. Not only did he received them but the other freshmen did as well. Alumni were mad that the traditional way of the game was being changed. These letters only made them stronger.
The Fab five never won a championship but they are still consider one of the greatest college basketball teams. They always stuck by each other through thick and thin. not only were they a team they were also a brotherhood. The Fab five changed the way the game is played

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