
Factors Affecting The Work Environment On Health Worker Shortages And Improving Access And Quality Of Health Services

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In the recent years, there has been viable evidence that shows that other factors in the work environment may also be strong push factors for retention (Burns, Bradley and Weiner, 2012, pg.445). The factors that contribute to forcing workers to leave the public sector include: "workload and staff shortages are contributing to burnout, high absenteeism, stress, depression, low morale, and de-motivation" (Burns, Bradley and Weiner, 2012, pg.445). It is also shown that poor working conditions also contributes to preventing staff morale and motivation and it also contributes directly to recruitment and retention (Burns, Bradley and Weiner, 2012, pg445). According to Burns, Bradley and Weiner (2012), "one strategy being used to alleviate health worker shortages and to improve access and quality of health services is task-shifting, or the delegation of tasks that would traditionally fall within the scope of practice of doctors or nurses to other health who have undergone shorter periods of training" (Burns, Bradley and Weiner, 2012, pg.445). In so by implementing task-shifting, the work load that all nurses have to handle on a daily basis is split up with easier duties falling on other health professionals with less experience. Also another strategy of combating nursing retention is by offering nonfinancial incentives instead of financial incentives which can help to motivate workers (Burns, Bradley and Weiner, 2012, pg.444). The offering on nonfinancial incentives

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