
Factors For A Successful Software Implementation

Decent Essays

Factors for a Successful Software Implementation A successful software implementation requires careful and sound project planning. There are extensive opinions and research on the factors necessary for a successful project. The Project Management Institute defines a project as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources. (What is Project Management?, 2016) As such, a Project Manager is required to plan the allocation of the organization’s resources in an efficient and effective manner to meet the objectives of the project with a finite amount of resources (people, budget, and time). Successful projects share several common characteristics that give them a positive outcome and greater chance of meeting the project objectives (Jiang, 2016):
1. The project is supported by an Executive Sponsor.
2. A skilled Project Manager is assigned and given the appropriate authority.
3. A scope that meets the organization’s needs and realistic project expectations is clearly defined.
4. A great Project Team that has the skills and experience with both specific and broad competencies related to the project.
5. Appropriate resources are made available - which include sufficient time, budgetary funds, computer resources, available Vendor support, technical assets, and other items required for the project.
6. Continuous communications

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