
Fahrenheit 451 Essay Knowledge

Satisfactory Essays

Knowledge Essay

How is KNOWLEDGE power? or how do we benefit from ideas and learning different points of view? Knowledge is power, awareness, understanding of how things or someone works. Knowledge is facts of what we believe or think, is the skill we learn and knowledge is the acknowledge of humankind. Without knowledge we would still be stuck in the 100 century and most of us wouldn’t live for as long as we get to live today or even live to see people on a screen for hours. Anyway knowledge benefit us in many different ways. Can knowledge be use as a weapon? Mmhmm… well knowledge is powerful, it could get us in trouble, and sometimes even get us killed. Yes knowledge can be a weapon, a powerful weapon to get rid of someone or something, to create something powerful or to become powerful, knowledge can be use against us anytime. As a result, in Fahrenheit 451, page 102, Beatty says “A little learning is a dangerous thing”. His right, but he also give us an example of how to use knowledge as a weapon, he used what he read and learned from the reading against Montag to confuse him, to make Montag doubt himself. You can't be powerful without knowing things or learning how the world and everything works. Our world is a threat and a disease. Why? because the more we …show more content…

For Beatty knowing benefited him to confuse Montag, it made Montag be more afraid of him. For us the benefit of knowing, make us understand things better and see not only our ideas, but other people ideas in a different way. When it comes to algebra, I use my knowledge as a benefit to help me understand it better. For other people they make knowledge and learning a bad thing. They think it’s not important, but they're wrong, learning is how we learn how life works and how we get away from everything, even the bad things. Sometimes we think the wrong thing about the wrong thing. Because of learning we decided to improve things in a better

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