
Fairy Tales : Themes And Tale Motifs In A Fairy Tale

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Look closely enough, and you can always find a motif in a fairy tale. Fairy tales use motifs to help with the overall moral of the story, and will be an object, image or type of action with a recurring appearance throughout the tale. Take Disney movies, for example. Most familiar with Disney movies and tales can tell you there is almost a guarantee to be a talking or funny animal sidekick. Why does Disney do this? Mostly for comic relief, but they can also be a helping figure or guide the hero or heroine. They make multiple appearances throughout the movies, and help achieve the overall goal or moral of the story. In some tales we’ve read, one common motif is that of a travel or journey, which in most tales, work to move the characters, both physically and mentally, to a better place or state of being. Physically, they help guide this character to a new place, and mentally, they help this person grow and learn.
The first tale types that come to mind when I hear of a journey are the Beauty and the Beast types. These tales go into a great amount of detail with the journey about Beauty’s journey to the castle. The transition for Beauty seems scary, and each tale does a decent job of making it sound as if they journey isn’t pleasurable or for fun. In Beauty, the first reference to a journey we see is when the family loses their wealth, and has to journey to the north for a quieter, country-living lifestyle. This journey is long, and is said to have been about a

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