
False Hope Of The American Dream

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Lukus Chapa Hopson April 25, 2017 The False Hope of The American Dream in The Great Gatsby In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s timeless classic, The Great Gatsby, the story narrows in on an enigmatic and charming character of Jay Gatsby. Starting off as a poor Midwest child, the young Jay Gatz transforms into the titular character that the novel is named after, and becomes an extravagant social elite to win over Daisy Buchanan. It is later discovered that the reputation and status that Gatsby built for himself was simply a mirage formed by deception. Through Gatsby, the charming hero who depicts himself as a social elite based upon elaborate lies to capture his love, Fitzgerald is able to critique the corruption of the precious American Dream. …show more content…

This response intrigues Nick’s interest in Gatsby, helping the mythical like legend of Gatsby develop from the very beginning of the novel. This encounter is integral to the story, not only for Nick, but for the reader as well. By Ms. Baker telling Nick that he “must” know the host of the party, Nick becomes fixated on discovering who this man is, and the reader is left wondering who could this mysterious man be. This curiosity of discovering the man named Gatsby is the basis of Nick’s continued interest and relationship with the protagonist throughout the novel. Nick is cut out to be an unreliable narrator in the telling of the story, for in the beginning of the novel, Nick states himself as one who has the ability to reserve judgement. As the story develops, Nick will eventually come to pass judgement not only on Gatsby, but all of the other major characters as well. Fitzgerald constructs Nick’s character in this manner, giving a higher value to what Nick says, along with what he thinks. This is done because, as the moral center of the entire novel, Nick is the only character who is outside looking in, the only one who is not accustomed to this fast life. By adding a higher value onto what Nick says and thinks, Fitzgerald has further developed Gatsby, and his mythical like aura. Throughout the novel, Nick does quite the opposite of praise and glorify Gatsby, but no matter the circumstance, Nick always comes

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