
Family Analysis : Family System Theory

Best Essays

Family Approach Research Paper
Jamechya Carter Duncan
Dr. Jill Joyce
Marriage and Family Counseling
October 7th, 2014

After a thorough review of the textbook and the course material, the specific family system approach that I choose to explore is the Bowenian Approach for this literature review. This specific family system approach is also known as the Bowen Family System Theory as well (D.V. Papero, 2006). The Bowen Family System Theory was established by Murray Bowen, a theorist and psychiatrist who specialized in treating children who were deranged and had schizophrenia (Rockwell, 2010). In the 1950s, Bowen wanted to explore a new venture so he decided that he wanted all of the family members of each child to be involved in an therapeutic process at the same time (Rockwell, 2010).
Additionally, Murray Bowen had an extensive background in understanding the family function of individuals and how they tend to act in structured and unstructured settings (D.V. Papero, 2006). He proposed a theory called the differentiation of self, which is the trademark of the Murray Bowen theory and therapy (D.V.Papero, 2006). Differentiation of self is known as the ability to function independently without being emotionally dependent upon your family, which some individuals can manage how they feel in situations that are prone to create anxiety(D.V. Paper, 2006).
Moreover, Murray Bowen found that poorly differentiated individuals tend to typically

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