
Family Therapy Approach

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Narrative Family Counseling Approach
Research Paper
Keltic University

Narrative therapy is a social constructive philosophical approach to psychotherapy that has been developed to help clients deconstruct their negative and self-defeating life stories while rebuilding healthy and positive life stories through the use of various techniques. This paper will discuss the leading figures, some concepts and techniques, ethics, some similarities and dissimilarities of other theories compared to Narrative therapy. This paper will also address my personal integration of faith regarding the theory of Narrative therapy.

Narrative Family Counseling Approach
Research Paper
Part One: The roots of family therapy emerged out of …show more content…

Since the first principle declared by any code of ethics is to do no additional harm to the client; it will be necessary for the therapist to advise the clients of NT practices since it tends to be separate from traditional theories. In addition, because NT deals with “difficult issues and storytelling; the therapist must respect the client’s boundaries and the confidentiality of the family and its narratives, inform the family that each family member’s territory and emotional grounding is just as important, and should identify the primary client at times of dysfunction” (Miller, 2009, p. 157, 158). A main key concept of NT is that the problem a client presents with is viewed separate from the client. The problem is not the person; it is something the person has. Therefore, the goal of NT is to change the effects resulting from the problem and not the person themselves. To do this, NT uses the technique of externalizing the problem. To externalize the problem, the problem is first given a name and then it is explored and applied to the clients believes, values, behaviors, and ideals that has formed the clients identity. The negative aspects of these areas get rewritten into the new story. The process of externalizing the problem allows the client to see their problem separate from themselves so they can better

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