
Family Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout the last sixteen weeks from going through this class I have learned a lot. I have learned that different there are many ways to write a paper or essay. There are many ways that the format of a paper as well. But between the two essays I have chosen are from week seven which was on hunting and why it wasn’t a cruel sport in my thoughts. My other essay I have chose was from week nine, that was about on holding a family together and what makes a family a whole. Hunting topic in my thoughts where is an informal topic because of what it entails. The topic was something that I like to do and take part in. In the paper I chose to write that I am against that it wasn’t cruel in anyway. That way back over hundreds of years that …show more content…

I have noticed that many parents now days take after their own parents for teaching the kids the ways and keeping each family together. Included you also get many options to teach you kids on how to grow up in different situations. Like me I grew up with my mom’s side not being that well off financially. But sure, enough she was the one to teach me on how fast bills can take money away from you. That you need to save a certain amount for something that you would like in the future or would like to buy to help enjoy the things you have at home.
So, I had to go and do different things I would need to get a job once I could to afford my own things. Then on my dad’s side you could have money, but it still is the same situation he makes it work. He had to pay child support to two people but at least he only has to pay one now on top of everything. But staying true to each of the family members within each side of the parents is the most important thing. The easiest topic to write about was the hunting topic because of my experiences with it and that I enjoy hunting. I enjoy hearing stories from my buddies that hunt as well. The scale of the writing from a one to ten. I give writing this a two, I had gone throughout the paper with ease of writing it. When writing an easier essay, it helps to know about it and what it all entails.

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