
Family Therapy Research Paper

Decent Essays


Thank you for taking your time to speak with me today. I’m grateful you’re willing to let me back into your care, and I don’t know how to express the reactions I’m having to our conversation. In my time at ERC I’ve found writing a better alternative to a chatting, and I feel as though my conversations with you are easier when we’ve pre-discussed them.

In regards to my treatment, I understand the concern in wanting me to have a “fresh start” arriving back at ERC on Monday, however your idea of what that looks like is translating into pure anxiety for me. I think I worked very well with my treatment team. Yes, I struggled, and I also gained a lot of trust within the members of my team which took a lot of time to establish. I can’t say …show more content…

The thoughts behind my panicked departure were and still are very hard. I signed a 72 days prior and decided to stay despite everything during family therapy on that Thursday. I really did plan to, and feel like I was capable of making progress around my concerns. I had expressed to you and Caroline how I had interpreted my contract, I was taking steps with you to try and work a solution around Charlie, I had finally started completing enough of the program to move up in level, and then Friday hit. I was presented with psychological symptoms I hadn’t before experienced, I was emotional, I was reacting to trauma, I was refeeding, and I was adjusting to new medications... none of this excuses my behavior, but it does make it more clear when I try to look at what happened big picture. Tie that in with attempting to work through some of my trauma surrounding Charlie, and it shows that I hadn’t been working on it long enough to present an outcome that was any less prominent to me than than “LEAVE NOW”. So, when we met and I was told I wouldn’t have a plan for the Monday he was meant to work until the Monday he was meant to work I took that and let it spiral. I was aware I was having the thoughts that “this is terrifying”, “I’m scared”, “No one believes me, nothing is happening, I’m not safe here” and didn’t know how to defuse from this

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