
Fate In Romeo And Juliet

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A Tale of Tragedy Everyone wants to marry the love of their life. Seeking the approval of our family and friends, we all look ahead fondly at the idea of living a long and happy life with our soulmate. Unfortunately, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet this is not the way life played out. In Romeo and Juliet, adversity plays a large role in keeping the two star-crossed lovers apart, and after a short taboo romance, it is evident that their story ends in tragedy. The feud between their two families, both fate and destiny, encouragement from non-family members, and the deaths of the young couple, ultimately make this love story a tragedy. To begin with, the feud between Romeo and Juliet’s families began even before the two were born, tragically dooming their relationship before it could even start. The Feud was triggered by an old grudge, causing family, friends, and servants between the two families to take sides. “What, drawn, and talk of peace? …show more content…

Since Juliet’s father held a dinner party and invited everyone except those who sided with Montagues, Romeo wore a mask to secretly slip into the enemy’s party. Fatefully, Romeo fell for Juliet’s charm and beauty, and the first time Juliet laid her eyes on Romeo, she fell instantly in love. The two pledge their love to one another. “If I profane with my unworthiness hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: my lips blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. (Act 1, scene 5)”. “Tender kiss Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much Which mannerly deviation shows in this, For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss. (act 1, scene 5)”. The couple’s love was inseparable and was destined to last forever, so much so that they literally felt that they could not live without one another. Fate brought the two together and destiny tore them tragically

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