
Fayol 's Theory Of Management

Decent Essays

Henri Fayol was a management theorist that introduced a new way into looking how businesses operate in his work General and Industrial Management (1949). Fayol set out five functions to management; planning, organising, co-ordinating, commanding and controlling, this theory revolutionised the way in which businesses were organised; the theory and functions were widely accepted and are still widely applicable to businesses today. However in 1973, a new way of thinking about management was introduced by a Canadian, Henry Mintzberg, who believed that management falls within three broad groups; decisional, interpersonal and informational. Mintzberg’s theory has competing views with that of Fayol, which some people believe to have made Fayol’s theory redundant however Fayol’s classical theory can still be applied to management making it a relevant theory.
In Fayol’s work General and Industrial Management (1949) he identifies the five key functions to management, which has been accepted as the classical theory and description of management. Fayol conducted his research whilst working as a director of mines, giving him valid experience and a firsthand view as a manager.
(1) Planning and forecasting: examining the future and laying out the actions to be taken
(2) Organising: laying out lines of authority and responsibility.
(3) Co-ordinating: laying out timing and sequencing of activities; binding and harmonising all.
(4) Commanding: putting the plan into action

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