
Fear Tactics In George Orwell's Animal Farm

Decent Essays

As an avid reader and as someone who enjoys a good story, it always fascinates me when I can take details of a story and connect it to certain aspects of my life or past experiences. When I make connections to what I’m reading it helps me gain a better understanding of the author’s work. One book that is praised for making complex topics understandable to a broad audience is Animal Farm. This is because the author, George Orwell, took topics such as communism, corruption, fear, and political ignorance and simplified them down into a situation on a smaller scale. Thus, the book could be understood by a wider audience. Many themes in this book can be connected to events that either occurred throughout history or current events. An overarching theme of …show more content…

The pigs, who are the leaders of the animals, often instill fear in the other animals to promote their own agenda and several of these instances can be connected to similar incidents of leaders ingraining fear into the mass populace of the real world. The most prominent form of fear tactics in Animal Farm was used as a form of submission. Napoleon, the leader of the farm, went to great lengths to maintain power over the other animals. For instance, on pages 83-84 Napoleon has his guard dogs kill animals that confess to conspiring with Snowball, a pig who rivaled Napoleon before fleeing the farm because of Napoleon’s guard dogs. The animals witnessed this and it left them numb. To the other animals the execution was the final contributing factor to their loss of hope. The execution displayed the methods Napoleon was willing to use to keep this power. Since the other animals had saw what the punishment for rebelling against the pigs they were deterred from revolting out of fear for their own lives. This is similar to what the Syrian government did to its people. For the past few years the Syrian government has been fighting a civil war. According an

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