
Febrile Seizures

Decent Essays

Examining the three studies closer, several flaws in design began to appear which questioned the reliability of the result. Two of the studies included 230 children while the third study contained only 180. It was noted that the time frame of monitoring seizure re-occurrence was much different also. One study monitored within 6 months while another monitored between 24 months for those treated with either an antipyretic or a placebo. Despite the difference in group sizes and the length of time monitoring any re-occurring seizures the review still came to the same findings that no significant difference in adverse effects between paracetamol and the placebo treatment. (Mewasingh, 2014). The use of prophylactic drug management for febrile …show more content…

Now reflecting upon the use of antipyretic treatments within the healthcare setting it could be seen as alarming to realise quite how often this treatment is used unnecessarily. Conducting this assignment has allowed an increased understanding of the benefit of maintaining a high temperature and has identified that in recent years we may have unknowingly been causing more harm by trying to reduce temperature. Walsh et al (2005) states that ‘nurses knowledge of pyrexia and its management is poor, this frequently leads to inappropriate and ineffective management’. In intensive care, pyrexia may lead to unnecessary diagnostic tests, exposing patients to invasive procedures and inappropriate antibiotic use (Marik, 2000). The need for quality evidence based research is essential for all health care professions. As agreed by Stevens (2013), the call for evidence based quality improvements and health care transformation underscores the need for redesigning care that is safe effective and efficient. It allows the health care professional to reflect safe and effective professional practice as set out in the Health and Care Professions Council Standards of Proficiency (2007) for Paramedics. During the course of this assignment it has

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