
Feed Foods Persuasive Essay

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Feeding a Starving World By the year 2025, eight billion people will be walking the earth, and just 15 years after that, a billion more will be walking among them (Census np). Think about that number for a moment, nine billion. Roughly 75,000 people fit in the typical professional football stadium. If you’ve ever been to a packed stadium you know that 75,000 people is an impressive amount of people. Now, to put it into perspective, think about the fact that 75,000 is just a measly 0.0000083% of nine billion. Millions of the people on earth already do not get enough food, but everyone knows that. Commercials are broadcasted on the television constantly, telling us how a commitment of a few dollars a month will feed several kids who would …show more content…

By 1988, soybeans were successfully being inserted with genes that made them glyphosate tolerant, which is an herbicide (Chassy 169). This is more commonly known today as round-up ready crops. The benefit of this is that now, farmers can spray round-up ready crops and not kill them. Round-up kills all other plants in the field that would otherwise be interfering with the growth of the crop. This is just one of the many traits that can be inserted into the DNA of plants. Crops can now achieve far higher yields than ever before. Corn plots at Morrow Plots at the University of Illinois have increased from 10 bushels an acre, to more than 200 bushels an acre (Chassy …show more content…

GMOs have been deemed completely safe and legal. Other countries however, have firmly set their feet on the other side of the fence. Although it doesn’t directly affect us Americans right now, it could in 50 years when there are nine billion people. The simple fact is, if they aren’t using GMOs than they are not getting the greatest yield possible out of their crops, and if they remain anti-GMO they won’t be pulling what little weight their smaller countries can pull when crunch time comes and our world needs more food

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