
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research Paper

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Effects of Alcohol When Pregnant Amy E. Wellman Grace Homeschool

Wellman 1
A pregnant woman’s lifestyle ultimately affects the development of her baby. Drinking alcohol when you are pregnant has been shown to cause harm towards the unborn baby as it develops in the mother’s womb. Mothers who drink alcohol while pregnant have a higher risk of their baby having long-term …show more content…

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is one of the most common alcoholic disorders, but is the only one that is one hundred percent preventable. Unfortunately, the effects of FAS are unchangeable and last a lifetime. The effect of FAS in children include special needs, deformities of the skeletal system and major organ systems, especially the brain and the heart, constrained growth, Central Nervous System problems, poor motor skills, and difficulty with learning, memory, social interaction, attention span, problem solving, and speech and/or hearing. There are also facial features that are characteristics of FAS. Some of these include small eyes, short or upturned nose, flat cheeks, and thin lips. Although these facial features do fade as the child grows, there are numerous other difficulties to …show more content…

Also, if your doctor knows to look for FASD- related problems while you are pregnant, he or she can keep an eye on your baby’s health before and after birth. Your doctor will also know to do more tests, if he or she sees needed, as your child grows. The signs of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder don’t always appear at birth. A doctor might be able to point out severe alcohol effects in the child at birth, but, less severe effects, for example learning and/or behavior problems, may not be noticed until the child is in school. According to emedicinehealth, “Sometimes the doctor can find severe problems before the baby is born. If your doctor knows about your alcohol use, he or she can order a test (ultrasound) to look for signs of FAS in your baby, such as heart defects or growth delays. The cause of problems that are found during the test may not be clear. But the findings alert the doctor to any special care a baby may need after he or she is

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