
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research Paper

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
“Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure during the mother's pregnancy” (Fetal alcohol syndrome. n.d.). Each year 1 in 750 infants in the United States are born in the United States alone, while another 40,000 are born with alcohol fetal effects. This happens to a child when the mother continues to drink alcohol during her pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause mental, physical, developmental disabilities in the baby, while fetal alcohol effects are milder, less advanced form of fetal alcohol syndrome.

During a pregnancy, food and other nutrients are transported to the baby from the mother, and when the mother drinks, alcohol goes into the baby’s system. Alcohol does …show more content…

They are able to run tests with an ultrasound, and for a clearer picture, MRI’s and CT scans are used to diagnose the severity of the child’s disability. Fetal alcohol syndrome is irreversible, but there are treatments for the symptoms. For example, if a child has a difficult time learning how to walk, a physical therapist could assist the child in taking the first steps. For those with mental disabilities, like difficult with self control, reasoning and understanding, executive function training is an option. Some women still choose to drink during pregnancy, and it is recommended to drink less than one to two unit of alcohol, no more than one to two times a week, there is a less of chance of the child being born with FAS. as there is no evidence of harm at this level. They are also advised that binge drinking may harm the baby. “However, Department of Health (DH) guidelines released for consultation in January 2016 look set to advise that the safest course is for women to abstain from alcohol altogether during pregnancy” Drinking during pregnancy is the only to prevent FAS, so women who are trying to get pregnant should avoid drinking, and those who are pregnant should be aware of the effects alcohol has on a child and not

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