
Field Intelligence Essay

Decent Essays

September 11, 2001, shown America how vulnerable they were. We failed short in so many ways, such as the lack of information sharing internally or externally that push us to a new era of concern to protect the United States from terrorism. Intelligence serves as a critical factor in decision making, planning, strategic targeting, and crime prevention. That event sparked a collaborative partnership with state and local law enforcement agencies, the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Field Intelligence Group (FIG) and Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF), and the National Guard, as well as civilian analysts, members of the military and private companies to form the fusion center to focus on national …show more content…

I think the fusion centers should be applied to the smaller police departments due to national security. At this point, no entity should be exempt from fighting the war on terrorism or crime to keep our citizens safe. Furthermore, to make this connection with the fusion centers the law enforcements must have the understanding of the current intelligences and threats. Our nation focuses on the evolving threat levels from the borderlines of America to capturing homegrown radical extremists in our communities. We cannot discount any threat to the U.S. soil. Although, there may be some scuffle between the law enforcement agencies’ structure, mission and day to day operation with fusion centers initiatives on an all-crimes and/or all-hazards approach. Over time, they will sync their efforts due to the fusion centers having an extra set of eyes to detect and terminate unusual behaviors and activity before it manifests into a more serious offense against the United States. But most importantly, having a partnered relationship will be beneficial to all by sharing information could possibly cut done on wasted time to focus more on important issues. It is imperative for them to find common ground to accomplish the mission that is critical to the safety of our

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