
Film Analysis Of Killing Us Softly : Advertising's Image Of Women '

Decent Essays

A Film Analysis of “Killing Us Softly: Advertising’s Image of Women”

The film that I will be reviewing is Jean Kilbourne’s “Killing Us Softly: Advertising’s Image of Women” (Kilbourne). The overall purpose of this film was to educate the viewers of the severe distortion of the way the media portrays women in advertising. The film showed numerous ads where women are depicted as objects, both sexual and that of a man’s personal property. Women were also shown as the victims of violence in so many ads. The film addressed the effects that advertising has on eating disorders in young women. Anorexia and Bulemia are two of the disorders that are destroying young women in today’s society. These eating disorders not only affect the physical body but also destroy any self confidence or self esteem that the person may have.
“There are over 250 billion advertisements released to the public every year with the average person seeing over 3000 ads every single day” (Kilbourne). This is an astronomical amount of information for anyone to process in a week let alone in one day. This is a prime example of Capitalism at it’s finest. Controlling the consumer in every aspect of their lives. Jean Kilbourne also talks about how “Only 8 percent of an advertisement is actually processed by the conscious mind, with the other 92 percent being soaked up by the subconscious” (Kilbourne). Thinking about those numbers really brings into perspective how much we are truly influenced by media

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