
Finance and banking

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Chapter 1

1. Has the inflation rate in Canada increased or decreased in the past few years? What about interest rates?

R/. The inflation rate of CAnada is low. The inflation rate was at 1.10 % in August. And the interest rate was declining. In one news said that on 1915 until 2013, the Canada 's inflation rate 3.2% reaching an all time high of 21.6% in June of 1920 and got a record low at -17.8% in June of 1921.

2. If history repeats itself and we see a decline in the rate of money growth, what might you expect to happen to
A. Real output - is going down
B. the inflation rate, and - is going down
C. Interest rates - is going down All are going to fall.

3. When was the most recent recession?

According to the National …show more content…

With the rise in the dollar 's value in the early 1980s, travel abroad became relatively cheaper, making it a good time to visit the Tower of London.

Chapter 2

1.Why is a share of IBM common stocks an asset for its owner and a liability for IBM?

The share of IBM stock is an asset for its owner because it entitles the owner to a share of the earnings and assets of IBM. The share is a liability for IBM because it is a claim on its earnings and assets by the owner of the share.

2.If I can buy a car today for $5000and it is worth $10,OOO in extra income next year to me because it enables me to get a job as a traveling anvil seller, Should I take out a loan from Larry the loan Shark at a 90% interest rate if no one else will give me a loan? Will I be better or worse off as a result of taking out this loan? Can you make a case for legalizing loan-sharking?

I should take out a loan from Larry, if I make a case for legalizing that would give problem and can affect the bank. It 's not good make a case.

3.Some economists suspect that one of the reasons that economies in developing countries so slowly is that they do not have well-developed financial markets. Does this argument make sense?

Yes, because the absence of financial markets means that funds cannot be channeled to people who have the most productive use for them. Entrepreneurs then cannot acquire

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