
Financial statement analysis and report

Decent Essays

ACFI 1001 Accounting for Decision Makers – Individual Project (15%)

Financial Statement Analysis and Report

Apply theory in practice
Conduct analysis of financial statement – to look beyond the numbers

Experience formal report writing.

REQUIRED: Written report (a soft copy on blackboard via turnitin and printed copy to tutors is compulsory)

1. Obtain the most recent annual report for two companies in any of the industries on the Australian Stock Market (for example, mining, retail, manufacturing, construction, service, transport). The reports should contain at least three years of income statement data and two years of balance sheet data. Use one of the chosen companies as your ‘base company’ and the other …show more content…

11.25 – 12.75 marks: The paper generally is well written but may have minor grammatical or other writing errors or lack smooth transitions. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements, demonstrates understanding, and focuses mainly on important items, but does not fully synthesize the material being discussed, and/or does not integrate the annual report data with the narrative.

9.75 – 11.25 marks: The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements, but demonstrates only moderate understanding, and/or lacks integration.

7.5 – 9.75 marks: The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements but demonstrates only minimal understanding of one or more of the issues.

0 – 7.5 marks: The paper fails to meet the basic requirements, has excessive composition errors, and/or fails to demonstrate understanding of the requirements.

Guide to understand and find annual report of companies:
Most public companies have made their annual reports available at company websites.

A company 's annual reports are often located under the Investor Information section at the company website.

You can use the Company Search function to find the Internet addresses and other details of Australian companies listed on

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