
Fire In Lord Of The Flies Essay

Decent Essays

Written by William Golding, the novel Lord of the Flies is about a group of British school boys who along the way have a hard time surviving. During their time on the island, the boys had set three important locations, which they were close to or within range. The Mountain, the Beach along the Lagoon and Castle Rock all had their own significance that impacted the storyline. Fire on the Mountain has got to be one crucial chapter in Lord of the flies. It has said it in the chapter name but the importance of the mountain was for the fire. The mountain is the highest point on the island and the boys’ ‘only chance’ of getting rescued with a signal fire for when a ship passed by. Their theory was to make enough smoke with the fire 24/7 so if by chance a ship passes by it may notice the smoke and come rescue them. Ralph is all concerned about the fire and keeping it going, Jack on the other hand tells the boys that ‘this is our island. It’s a good island. Until the grownups come to fetch us we’ll have fun’. Ralph cannot have everyone joining Jacks group of …show more content…

The only problem was, is that the boys only wanted to have fun. Ralph gets very irritated as the huts keep falling down before they are done and though the shelters were vital to the boy’s ability to live on the island, no one but Simon will help him. Ralph says himself that all the boys are excited and energized by the plans they make at meetings but no one is willing to help to make them successful. Ralph is annoyed that jack and his hunters are using their hunting duties to avoid the actual work. Ralph and Jack continue to argue with each other and start to grow more hostile towards each other. Ralph finds that if the boys cannot work together they will not be able to survive on the island. The boys are slowing downgrading and slowly falling into savagery which doesn’t help Piggy in that case as Jack has a grudge for

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