
First Bank of the United States

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The First Bank of the United States

The Bank of the United States was designed to make money and build an economy. It was designed by men like Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris, but did not benefit the common citizen as much as wealthy investors. Why did a fledgling government need to borrow millions from overseas in order to invest in a “national” bank, to turn around and then borrow the same money back and pay interest on it? The banking system developed by Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris was prime pickings for speculators, and laid the groundwork for a history of unscrupulous activity regarding our nation’s money supply that continues to this day. The signatures on the Constitution were barely dry before corruption and …show more content…

Men thus enriched by the dexterity of a leader, would follow of course the chief who was leading them to fortune, and become the zealous instruments of all his enterprises.”
Jefferson commented on these events long after his passions over them had cooled. Indeed, by 1818 the first Bank of the United States had come and gone. He felt that the actions of the speculators for the sole purpose of personal greed were reprehensible, and that the architect of the situation (Hamilton) was very much responsible for the fleecing of the public.
At this time the government was funding its debt through private banks such as the Bank of North America and the Bank of New York. Not satisfied with the structure of American banking, Hamilton reported to Congress the need to establish a National Bank in December of 1790. The Senate created a committee to study Hamilton’s proposal. On the committee were men who shared Hamilton’s ideas in fiscal matters, and that of a strong federal government. One of the members, General Schuyler, was Hamilton’s father in law. It was of no surprise that a bill arose out of the committee supporting Hamilton’s plan to incorporate a Bank of the United States.
Objection to the bill was strenuous. Opponents argued that the incorporation of a national bank might have deleterious effects on the economy, and wondered whether or

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