
First Nations Cultural Genocide

Decent Essays

The Impact that the cultural genocide of the First Nations had on First Nation culture and identity and modern day society as well is huge. There are many examples where this is represented and shown as well, but the cultural genocide must be understood first to get a clear picture. One way is to first understand the cultural genocide of First Nations and the impacts it had on their culture and identity especially from residential schools and their separate impact on the First Nation children. Then the impact that this cultural genocide has had on modern day society and culture and then finding some ways to fix the problem. Altogether then we can be able to solve this problem and study its impacts.

The First Nations people faced a huge …show more content…

This led to the start of the cultural genocide for the First Nations, which was exemplified in the ways which the Europeans tried to assimilate the First Nations: culturally, economically and religiously. The First Nations were forced to take an european name and to permanently get rid of their own name that they used. This led to the decline in the culture of naming and increased the cultural genocide. The First Nations were also taught how to farm and forced not to hunt which was a huge part of their lifestyle and what they had been doing for many years, which also impacted the loss of their culture. Another aspect of the cultural genocide was the forced teaching of Christianity on the First Nations, which was not part of their beliefs and was what the Europeans thought would make them civilized. The Genocide also had to deal with the fact of European Imperialism. This was during the time of the Industrial Revolution and the Europeans needed new resources due to this new imperialism which created the desire to obtain resources. This led to the Genocide because of the fact that the First Nations were using some of these resources, but mainly because …show more content…

The First Nations faced cultural genocide in ways like the introduction of farming and christianity and the forceful introduction of european names over their First Nations ones. The residential schools were another huge part of this cultural genocide and resulted in loss of culture among the First Nations children. The effects of this on modern day society are that many first Nations feel like they don't fit in and also the rise of european eurocentrism. Given these points, it shows that the First Nations culture was greatly diminished from the cultural genocide they faced and the Canadian Government has not done enough to fix it. Instead of just throwing money at the First Nations the government could ask them what they want. The Government could invest more money into programs that deal with alcohol and drug abuse along with depression as well. To help them feel more accepted into society we could stop referring to them as another group and instead as a member of society and negotiate the way the money they receive is spent and make sure it is going into the people's pockets not the bands and chiefs. Altogether it would be a positive for First Nations to be more of a part of Canada’s multicultural society and would benefit us

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