
Fitbit Charge 2 Research Paper

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Let face it, everybody wishes they could be healthier. Whether it by exercising more, making better decisions about what we eat, or a combination of both. There are many ways for a college student to stay healthy. However, what I lack is the control needed in keeping up with these life changing habits.

To finally stick with my goal I brought a Fitbit Charge 2, one of the newest Fitbit models which promises to help improve your life by keeping track of your steps, how long you exercise, you sleep and even your calorie count.

Now $149.95 is a lot of money to spend on what is extensively a watch. However, my goal for the new year, as it is every year, was to get fit and live a healthier lifestyle.

In the past, my way of completing this goal …show more content…

The best part of the Fitbit is not the watch itself, but the app. The app syncs with your device via Bluetooth and keeps track with the device throughout the day. I quite enjoy this feature as it allows me to wear the device and not worry about keeping track of my steps, my sleep, and my heart rate.

While the device is connected to the app, it can also connect to your phone itself. This feature allows you to see who has text and called you without having to pull your phone out. Particularly useful in cases when you can’t have your phone out, such as when you are taking a test.

While there are a lot of features I enjoy with this device there are some that still need improvements, such as the heart rate monitor and calorie counting.

These features are wonderful to have as a guide, it is unknown how accurate the device measure heart rate and therefore calories, as the device measure the calories you've burned based on your heart rate throughout the day. There is a very high possibility that your heart rate is different from the one displayed on the screen, and is only used as a guide to where your heart rate should be during different

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